Hello Fems!

Welcome to the companion website of my podcast, Substance: The Female Experience.

I'm Cynthia, and I am so excited to share my story, mission, and passion with all of you!

I am a single mother of two children, one who is grown and married. I am a Native Texan, and now a college graduate. I spent over the past 20 years building a solid reputation and career. Not always a functioning addict, but there were many years that I was (or as much as someone can be).

I struggled with a cocaine addiction for over a decade. I have lived in sobriety for a little over 7 years now. I relapsed multiple times during short terms of sobriety before taking the real step to get clean over 7 years ago and have relapsed more than a couple of times in the past few years during the 7 years. Thankfully, those were brief setbacks and I possess more "clean" time than not. But, I am in long-term recovery and every day I not only fight the urges to use in times of stress, but I am always in a bigger, more intense fight with myself and my mindset. Fully understanding my thoughts that turn to feelings, that can take me to act on them is the most relevant tool I can have in my recovery. The addict brain, when triggered, can easily take me back to those dark places where the destructive voices I can tell myself will try to justify action. So, it's a process, it's work, but it's mostly knowledge of self that can keep those thoughts and voices away. Can you relate to this? I am sure you can.

When I decided I was done using cocaine to bury and numb the pain and shame of complex and multiple sexual and generational traumas from the age of 7, it was on. I have been on a path of learning and am dedicated to sharing knowledge and hope with other women who struggle with addiction and self-defeat.

I am still and will forever be on my journey of growth and healing and that is ok. Part of my journey is being here for you, to help guide you in yours. Please know that I am right here on this path with you and you are not alone.

Love Your Friend in This Journey,
